• Kit DIY réveil et lampe - Wall-e - Jéjé l'Ingé


    Wall-E is simply the cutest robot ever imagined. Add a touch of sweetness to your life by making this adorable Wall-e who will watch over you, even in the darkest places.

  • Kit DIY Mjolnir - Thor - Jéjé l'Ingé


    Thor gave me permission to reproduce Mjölnir, his legendary hammer. Even if it is not on a scale of 1, it can do a lot of damage. Handle with care.

  • Kit Lampe - Seigneur des Anneaux - Jéjé l'Ingé

    The Lord of the Rings

    A timeless trilogy that I always watch again with passion. This collection inspired by the Lord of the Rings, will immerse you in the fantastic world of Tolkien somewhere between the Shire and Mordor.

    The Lord of the Rings
  • Test

  • Kit Dark Vador - Star Wars - Jéjé l'Ingé

    Star Wars

    Some inspirations from the Star Wars universe. A universe so vast that I can guarantee you there will be many other projects in this collection.

    Star Wars
  • Spare parts

    Here are all the products available at retail. Some products can be used in multiple projects on my YouTube channel.

    Spare parts
  • Kit Dark Vador - Star Wars - Jéjé l'Ingé


    Here are all the projects currently available. Don't hesitate to subscribe to my YouTube channel so you don't miss the next ones!

  • Kit Horloge réacteur à arc - Iron Man - Jéjé l'Ingé


    So many projects to create in this Marvel collection! There’s no shortage of iconic objects:  Thor's Mjolnir, The Eye of Agamotto, The Infinity Gauntlet... Stay connected, new projects are coming!

  • Home page

    Site dedicated to the sale of electronic components for DIY projects.

    Home page
  • Kit Pipboy 3000 - Fallout - Jéjé l'Ingé


  • Kit convecteur temporel - Retour vers le futur - Jéjé l'Ingé

    Back to the future

    In this "Back to the Future" collection, find iconic objects from the trilogy such as the time circuit of the famous Delorean, the time convector or even the luminous logo of the series.

    Back to the future


Some description